Transylvania Tattoo & Art Summit!

Fri, 26 July, 10:00 - Sun, 28 July, 22:00

Hunedoara , România

Fri, 26 July, 10:00 - Sun, 28 July, 22:00 Hunedoara , România

Evenimentul s-a încheiat.

Despre eveniment

26-28 July 2019- Hunedoara, Romania, inside the Corvinilor Castle, there will be an unparalleled event in Western Europe: Transylvania Tattoo & Art Summit!
The most renowned tattoo and painting specialists will gather to bring you 3 full-day information to help you grow and develop arts!
You will be able to take part in premium seminars with 9 world-class tattoo artists, a tattoo exhibition where 30 dedicated artists from all artistic genres, exhibiting and selling professional materials brought by Europe's leading suppliers, as well as the painting hall where you will could deepen the secrets of this art.
If you are ...Citeste mai mult-->

26-28 July 2019- Hunedoara, Romania, inside the Corvinilor Castle, there will be an unparalleled event in Western Europe: Transylvania Tattoo & Art Summit!
The most renowned tattoo and painting specialists will gather to bring you 3 full-day information to help you grow and develop arts!
You will be able to take part in premium seminars with 9 world-class tattoo artists, a tattoo exhibition where 30 dedicated artists from all artistic genres, exhibiting and selling professional materials brought by Europe's leading suppliers, as well as the painting hall where you will could deepen the secrets of this art.
If you are part of this world of tattooing and painting, you have a unique chance in life to listen to the great artists talking about their latest work strategies, secrets, life and mistakes, as well as ideas on how to make your profitable business or the health of the tattoo artist.
All this will take place in a special emblematic location for Romania: The Corvin Castle, also called Hunyadi Castle of Hunedoara Castle, is the medieval fortress of Hunedoara, one of the most important monuments of Gothic architecture in Romania. It is also considered one of the most beautiful castles in the world, being located in the top 10 European fairytale destinations!  

Corvinilor Castle | Strada Castelului 1-3, Hunedoara, România


Asociatia Tattoo & Piercing Romania

ASOCIAŢIA TATTOO & PIERCING ROMANIA şi-a propus unirea eforturilor tuturor persoanelor care efectuează tatuaj artistic, cosmetic sau piercing din domeniu, avand ca scop și obiectiv apararea și recunoașterea meseriei de tatuator și a statutului artistului tatuator în România. Pe termen scurt, ASOCIAŢIA TATTOO & PIERCING ROMANIA doreşte să devină un puternic partener de dialog cu autorităţile statului şi să ajute la crearea condiţiilor favorabile de dezvoltare a meseriei de tatuator şi în România. Pe termen mediu şi lung, prioritatea absolută a Asociaţiei noastre, este de a educa, informa, conştientiza, consumatorii acestui tip de servicii din România cu privire la modul în care trebuie sa se practice aceasta meserie, precum și importanța repectării reglementărilor legale cu privire la profesia în cauza, mai cu seama normele sanitare de la locul de muncă, precum și protocoalele de igiena din timpul actului de tatuare.

+4 0775 313 263
