Producer: Colectiv A through the Collective Creation Fund
Author&choreographer: Andreea David
Cast: Andreea David
Music: DJ set Petre Ispirescu&Prâslea, Judas Priest - Breaking the Law, Chopin - Valses
Artistic consultant: Mădălina Dan
Thanks to: BlackHyperBox, Claudiu Lorand Maxim, Oana Hodade, Maria Mora & kata
Length: 50 min
Photo Credit: Alina Uşurelu
For this performance, Andreea David worked in a solitary space, where the sole observer was her own critical eye from the future, through the recording camera. The artist thus turned into the subject of her own aesthetic judgment and the object of her own narcissism. Aware of the look, the nude body immediately adjusts, performs postures stereotypically ...Read more-->
Producer: Colectiv A through the Collective Creation Fund
Author&choreographer: Andreea David
Cast: Andreea David
Music: DJ set Petre Ispirescu&Prâslea, Judas Priest - Breaking the Law, Chopin - Valses
Artistic consultant: Mădălina Dan
Thanks to: BlackHyperBox, Claudiu Lorand Maxim, Oana Hodade, Maria Mora & kata
Length: 50 min
Photo Credit: Alina Uşurelu
For this performance, Andreea David worked in a solitary space, where the sole observer was her own critical eye from the future, through the recording camera. The artist thus turned into the subject of her own aesthetic judgment and the object of her own narcissism. Aware of the look, the nude body immediately adjusts, performs postures stereotypically associated with femininity and its representations, fetish images that constantly require perfecting. In this performance, the nude self-composes in its own landscape, in its own staging, it hides behind its own representation and conceals itself in the outer look.
Andreea David is a performer and architect. She has a background in contemporary dance from the National Centre for Dance in Bucharest. In 2012, she is a DanceWEBB scholar in Vienna and in 2013, at e.x.e.r.e.c.e. CCN Montpellier. She takes part in festivals such as Explore Dance Festival, Impuls Tanz Vienna and Temps d’images Cluj. She collaborated and still collaborates with Adriana Gheorghe, Alina Popa, Florin Flueraș, Ingrid Berger Myhre (NO), Doris Uhlich (AT), Thomas Steyaert (BE), Mădălina Dan and Mihaela Dancs for the shows or projects Duet, STAFF, scores #21 methods of elimination, BlackHyperBox, Group Choreography, More than Naked and Drive-by Duet. In 2015, she initiated the Laboratory for Common Practices, a system of work and experiment in which choreographic practices are shared and developed within a group.
"Watching this show, we are reminded of the way in which the female body has been used throughout art history (usually as an object of male adoration), but also as an expression of social interactions that have perpetuated the same model." -
Tickets cost 35 lei (full price) or 20 lei (reduced) and cand be purchased online, from, or from the Stere Popescu Hall, before the show.
The International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts (IETM) Spring Plenary Meeting is organised by IETM and the National Centre for Dance in Bucharest (CNDB), in partnership with the Romanian Association of Theatre Artists (UNITER), The I.L. Caragiale National Theatre of Bucharest (TNB) and Metropolis Theatre. The event is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, and it also has the financial support of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund (AFCN).
More information:
About IETM Bucharest:
IETM Bucharest Programme:
Centrul Național al Dansului București (CNDB) este o instituţie esențială pentru dezvoltarea culturii coregrafice din România și este o structură unică între toate instituțiile de spectacol aflate în subordinea Ministerului Culturii. Instituția funcționează ca producător și gazdă de spectacole, asumând totodată misiuni la fel de importante, precum cercetarea, documentarea și arhivarea, dar și dezvoltarea de programe și proiecte de educație artistică și formare profesională. Spre deosebire de celelalte instituții publice de spectacole din subordinea Ministerului Culturii, CNDB nu are în structura sa artiști angajați, ci colaborează și realizează proiecte cu artiștii, colectivele de artiști, structurile și organizațiile din sfera dansului contemporan, la nivel național și internațional.