Fri, 21 April, 19:30

București , România

Fri, 21 April, 19:30 București , România

Evenimentul s-a încheiat.

Despre eveniment

Artistic Direction & performance: Cosmin Manolescu

Video documentary: Tania Cucoreanu & Cosmin Manolescu

Producer: Ștefania Ferchedău

Production: Paradis Serial/ Gabriela Tudor Foundation

With support from: ZonaD, National Dance Centre Bucharest, Morishita studio – The Saison Foundation, Tokyo, Dance New Air Festival, Tokyo, Kinosaki International Arts Center

Funders: The Saison Foundation, Tokyo, Administration of the National Cultural Fund, ArCuB – the Cultural Centre of Bucharest Municipality

Length:  45 min

Photo credit: Alina Uşurelu


“the kite” translates at an artistic level Cosmin Manolescu’s encounter with Japanese civilization and is built from a simple experience of life, contemplation and reflection shared by participating artists, the kite running. This is relocated on ...Citeste mai mult-->

Artistic Direction & performance: Cosmin Manolescu

Video documentary: Tania Cucoreanu & Cosmin Manolescu

Producer: Ștefania Ferchedău

Production: Paradis Serial/ Gabriela Tudor Foundation

With support from: ZonaD, National Dance Centre Bucharest, Morishita studio – The Saison Foundation, Tokyo, Dance New Air Festival, Tokyo, Kinosaki International Arts Center

Funders: The Saison Foundation, Tokyo, Administration of the National Cultural Fund, ArCuB – the Cultural Centre of Bucharest Municipality

Length:  45 min

Photo credit: Alina Uşurelu


“the kite” translates at an artistic level Cosmin Manolescu’s encounter with Japanese civilization and is built from a simple experience of life, contemplation and reflection shared by participating artists, the kite running. This is relocated on the stage space and studied from a choreographic point of view, of the poetry of the movement and of the reflection act that the act itself may generate. The kite running becomes in the context of this show a generator of dialogue and shared reflections about contemporary society in Romania and Japan, traditions, personal histories or issues concerning ecology. In this piece “the questioning of contemporary dance and of the possibility to find possible definition starts from a strong social under-layer: the performance doesn’t lack political statements, reflections on the Colectiv club tragedy, on the Fukushima explosion and Roșia Montană movement (Gina Șerbănescu, Dilema Veche).




Tickets cost 35 lei (full price) or 20 lei (reduced) and cand be purchased online, from, or from the Stere Popescu Hall, before the show.


The International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts (IETM) Spring Plenary Meeting is organised by IETM and the National Centre for Dance in Bucharest (CNDB), in partnership with the Romanian Association of Theatre Artists (UNITER), The I.L. Caragiale National Theatre of Bucharest (TNB) and Metropolis Theatre. The event is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, and it also has the financial support of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund (AFCN).


More information:

About IETM Bucharest:

IETM Bucharest Programme:


Sala Stere Popescu | Bvd. Marasesti, nr. 80-82, București, România



Centrul Național al Dansului București (CNDB) este o instituţie esențială pentru dezvoltarea culturii coregrafice din România și este o structură unică între toate instituțiile de spectacol aflate în subordinea Ministerului Culturii. Instituția funcționează ca producător și gazdă de spectacole, asumând totodată misiuni la fel de importante, precum cercetarea, documentarea și arhivarea, dar și dezvoltarea de programe și proiecte de educație artistică și formare profesională. Spre deosebire de celelalte instituții publice de spectacole din subordinea Ministerului Culturii, CNDB nu are în structura sa artiști angajați, ci colaborează și realizează proiecte cu artiștii, colectivele de artiști, structurile și organizațiile din sfera dansului contemporan, la nivel național și internațional.

